Saturday, October 18, 2008

i've gone and jinxed it...

..........That pretty much says it all really.


nicole monster said...

go michelle! go michelle! i will buy the first copy of your book when it gets published.and i can't wait to read it.

michelle said...

ya ya u have been readin bloody fight club for 2 years now havent u....

nicole monster said...

no.i was done with it a long time ago.i think i have a tumor in the back of my head.

michelle said...

omg..!!!!1 ur sprouting a brain.!!!!! yay!!!!..
we live in the same house why the hell are we talking through a blog??? and bullshit u finished fight club. either way i bet u a hundred bucks u wont finish trainspotting by december. heck i'll give you till march. not gonna happen.....

nicole monster said...

what jokes.i am reading estacy not trainspotting.because when i ask you questions in person you don't answer.hahah.