Thursday, September 18, 2008

I dont particularly like the fact that I seem to have a bit of trouble being a bitch when its warranted. Why the hell should I try to be polite to someone who I dont quite know or like. Other peoples perceptions are messing with me I think. ha..

But to be duely noted. Yes I might drink and party a bit too much and think what you will of that.......with some rum it will barely bother me. But, I dont quite appreciate some drunk mother fucker getting all grabby and clingy on the false perception of what a stupid asshole like himself would assume a girl who likes to drink or dance would like to do. Then again I am talking about a Drunk asshole, so maybe the benefit of the doubt ensues.

Anyways, after a 15hour nap I feel better....Much better...all the rum has left me. And I never want to see another glass of rum and coke..until next wednesday..haha.

- stop begining my sentences with conjunctions. Conjunctions join sentences Michelle. Join.!..It gets to a point where its just bad writing doesnt it.
- Read...Michelle gap between my actual knowledge and my level of education is truly tragic i tell you. Then agian I never did believe school taught me all that much. For instance I Never quite learnt how to spell. I probably learnt more from Irvine Welsh and Bob Dylan then I did from hours in more welsh and dylan it is.

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